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Siemens Burner Controller, LME11.230C2E

Siemens Burner Controller, LME11

Siemens Burner Controller, LME11.230C2E

SKU: 120.700.01

Siemens burner controller, LME11.230C2E

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Product Description


Siemens burner controller, LME11.230C2E

The Siemens burner controls LME... are used for the supervision of 1- or 2-stage gas or gas / oil burners with small to medium capacity, with or without fan in intermittent operatio. Without actuator control.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Name Siemens Burner Controller, LME11.230C2E
Estimated delivery 1 week
Manufacturer Siemens
Country of Manufacture Germany
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